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The cutest baby triceratops
The cutest baby triceratops


Hey everyone on Thangs! Thank you all for sticking around and supporting my work. I greatly appreciate everyone that reached out to me when I was taking some time for myself to deal with some personal matters. I am now starting up my design work again. I am starting off with the Baby triceratops model for mini monster #7! I will be posting this model on June 1st. He's a cute little guy just waiting to be printed. As for my other models; I plan on creating unique and functional items that everyone can use. I already have some fun ideas that need to be made! I will be uploading all of my 3D models to my Thangs page. I wanted to say a big thank you to all my thangs members! Thank you for sticking with me! Stay tuned for more 3D printing models :) <3
