tracking pixel
He likes machines

He likes machines

Cowabunga dudes and dudettes!

Donatello is finally added to this awesome fighting team! What a whirlwind of challenges to get these guys to this scale. But I have learned SOOOO much. Splitting to this level can cause a lot of problems and influences that are quite difficult to foresee—conflicts, especially when multiple parts need to interface with one another.

169 1920x1080.pngBecause the request has come in, I will be splitting up Michelangelo and Raph's weapons more specifically to their colors. Leonardo was the first to have this done, primarily because his katanas wouldn't fit on the print bed. However, everyone seemed to like it that way. So jump in the Discord and let me know of any preferences. We have a couple of people going super big with their prints in the Discord, so come follow along and help encourage them through. Printing at this scale and bigger means potential for machine failures, human error, fitting issues, and more. So I think we all could use the encouragement and share the excitement.

BR_TMNT_Make_RM.jpg169 1920x1080.pngDonatello Here:

Leonardo Here:

Raphael Here:

Michelangelo Here:

For the fun part! There have been some debates floating around Facebook. When I initially put these turtle boys together, I did a ton of research to nail down some specifics like gestures and personality. However, the original information of the turtles was 4 foot 6 inches, which I can no longer find but these guys are proportioned to that height. Interestingly, throughout most of the series, they are referenced at 5 foot 2 inches, I personally like their scale the way they are. It is my take on the dudes anyway, but just so you know!

In addition, the size of these turtles changes wildly from comics to shows to movies, everyone has their own favorite versions. It's something unique about the Ninja Turtles. Every generation's claim does not diversify the community. Everyone has their turtles, and they are completely legit! Without hurting the other versions. Because you know... Multiple DIMENSIONS. Everyone can have their own turtles and still be part of the SAME community. It's totally tubular, haha. Maybe that's enough with the slang for a minute.

So these guys totally deserve a tribute spot on our roster. I want to see every take, the colors you guys do, special paint jobs, black and white, all of it! Even if they are not specifically Pixel and Plastic's versions of the turtles, sharing these stories and comparing the differences is how we all connect and grow.

With the differences these brothers have, they really have learned to leverage each other's strengths and protect each other's weaknesses. We can all do the same. If you're not a part of the Discord Server yet, it's here: Discord Server. You are more than welcome to jump in live voice calls with myself and other artists, as well as share techniques, get help, offer suggestions. We all share there. So we named the Discord Fireside Buzz, run by myself, Tessa from Sparkyface5, and Matt from Patenaude Prints.

We are also putting on a live show where we are developing our own original story with kid versions of ourselves. What if we had met as kids? What if we were best friends growing up? What crazy adventures would we embark on? - with a little magic and imagination, be sure to join us on YouTube for that!

FIRESIDEBUZZ_Firekeepers_RJ_7-30-2024_RM.jpgFireside Buzz YouTube

We are answering questions, digitally sculpting live, discussing the pipeline, developing our story, and tossing a few jokes here and there.

Check out Tessa’s work at Sparkyface5.

image.pngExplore Matt’s creations on PatenaudePrints.

image.pngSurely share your links to your makes, your collections, and everything you are working on! We want to chat and discuss it all! We all grow together, we learn together, and we improve together. All skill levels are welcome, and we push to be constructive, optimistic, and positive as much as possible.

The really great thing is that we all come from different backgrounds, different parts of the world, with different experiences. So there is always someone around to chat with, hang out and work on stuff with, and make new friends.

Don't forget to add models to your collections, upload your makes, download, and like the models so we can get points for the leaderboard!

Leaderboard | Maker Showcase

Let’s create some incredible stuff together!

