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The Only Frogs Club website is live, its still a work in progress, but feel free to look around while we build.
The Only Frogs Club website is live, its still a work in progress, but feel free to look around while we build.

New Website and Community Pond!

I'm so excited guys! Today I saw Tintalon posted a make and is up on the Makers Board! Let's all support Tintalon and give their awesome froggy make a like!

Great, now that you are back I have some more exciting news! I have been working hard to get a website up for us, its still very much a work in progress as I am learning as I go here and I am inviting you to take a look around while I set things up. Feel free to use the contact form to send me an email with questions or thoughts. I love hearing from you!

So please come poke around! The address is: new website1.PNGWhy .club?
Well a club is a community right, I like that. I would like our community to grow together and a .club domain is a fun way to symbolize that togetherness and supportive vibe.. But also, whoever owns the .com domain wants thousands of dollars for it and I just don't have that kind of cash for a website. So Only Frogs Club it is!

As we grow I will create a dedicated page for our Community Pond where your makes are featured and showcased with attribution that way we can admire each others work, enjoy a sea of frogs from around the world, follow and support each other, help each other grow and more! Check it out as of right now you have a place on the front page! I'm super excited to see more of your makes and grow this pond!

community pond.PNGOkay well I think that's all for now, Thank you so much without your help none of this is possible. Please send me an email via the contact form with any questions or suggestions, what kind of frogs would you like to see etc..

Keep those Froggies printing,
See you soon!
