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Tintalon's great froggy make won $85 at 6th place on the makers league last week!!!
Tintalon's great froggy make won $85 at 6th place on the makers league last week!!!

Congratulations Tintalon!

What a fantastic make Tintalon! Thanks so much for sharing and congratulations on winning the $85 prize in the Makers league last week!Tintalon came in 6th.PNGIts was very exciting watching Tintalon's make move around the board at one point they were in 3rd place!

frog in 3rd.PNGIt seems like cute little frogies make very popular prints on the makers board so If you have printed out one of our models be sure to upload a make for your chance to win with the Thangs Makers league prizes! As well as getting featured in our very own Community Pond!
