Noah M

#Gift | #PDO | Angel Blade Mount | NoahMillerDesign

Remix Model
#Gift | #PDO | Angel Blade Mount | NoahMillerDesign 3d model
#Gift | #PDO | Angel Blade Mount | NoahMillerDesign 3d model
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This model was uploaded for the Product Design Online #Gift 3D modeling challenge and was designed using Fusion 360.

This is a mount designed specifically to hold the “Supernatural Cosplay Castiel Angel Blade” found here on Thingiverse: My younger brother loves the show Supernatural and found the blade model, which I printed for him. Shortly after printing the blade he asked if I could design a mount for it and this is what I came up with.

The baseplate and the logo are designed to be printed with a dual extruder or a color change to give a contrasting color to the logo. We printed the baseplate and the posts in black and the logo in silk gold. The posts are designed to be printed separately and then simply press-fit into the baseplate. The mount is designed to clip onto the blade in such a way that it can effectively hold the blade with it either sitting on a desk or mounted to a wall.

3 Likes51 DownloadsDecember 22, 2020

3 Likes51 DownloadsDecember 22, 2020