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New 3D Printing Competition Layout

New 3D Printing Competition Layout

Hey everyone! For anyone who is new here, on the 1st of every month I host a 3D printing competition where active subscribers can compete to win prizes! This months competition will have $200 in total prizes between 4 different 3D printing challenges.

These challenges will be hosted through the MysticMesh3D discord server, so make sure you've connected your Thangs/Patreon account with your discord account so you have access to the server.

There will be 4 different challenges that will reward each winner with a prize value of $50 that can be put towards investing into their 3D printing business. Every subscriber can participate in every challenge if they'd like, there's no limit to the amount of challenges you can enter in and win! Even if you don't want to enter you in the competition can still participate in these challenges by helping vote for the winners because the winners of some challenges are selected by community vote.

I will release the official rules for the challenge at 5pm EST this evening and that is when the June competition will begin. Here is a brief description of the 4 new challenges that will be available:

  • Speed Challenge: The winner of this challenge will be whoever is able to print the listed products from the catalog the fastest. (Example: The first one to print and upload a picture to the discord server of 4 MysticMesh3D mini crates printed in pink, yellow, green, and blue wins).
  • Creative Challenge: The winner of this challenge will be whoever's picture gets the most votes from other subscribers in the MysticMesh3D community. I will pick a product from the catalog and provide you with a theme and then you'll print one out and take a creative picture of that product with the given theme. You'll post the picture in the discord server and then all subscribers will be able to vote on their favorite entry.
  • Modification Challenge: The winner of this challenge will be whoever makes the best modification to a MysticMesh3D design and gets the most votes from other subscribers in the MysticMesh3D community. You'll post a picture of your modified design in the discord server and then all subscribers will be able to vote on their favorite entry.
  • Mystic's Pick Challenge: The winner of this challenge will my personal favorite picture entry. Subscribers will submit creative pictures they've taken of a MysticMesh3D design they've printed and I will look through each entry and select my personal favorite picture.

There will be another post at 5pm EST which will have the official rules for this months contest. The only challenge that you'll want to be at your computer right at 5pm EST for is the speed challenge. If you don't plan on entering into that challenge then there's no rush because with the other 3 challenges you'll have a 48 hour window to submit your entries and then on the 3rd day the voting window will open.

Please let me know if you have any questions, I look forward to seeing all of your creative entries this month!
