Multiboard Tile Generator
3.5K downloads · 1 year ago · The Multiboard Tile Generator is a Blender tool that allows you to instantly:
- Create tiles of any
The Multiboard Tile Generator is a Blender tool that allows you to instantly:
- Create tiles of any size.
- Create stack prints of any amount.
- Create cutouts in your tiles.
- Create tiles with different amounts of “outside pegboard holes”
Make sure you are using Blender version 4.2 or above.
Here’s a video showing you how to use it:
This is the Tile Generator v3.1 and was last updated on the 2/August/2024.
Printing Guidelines for the Tiles: Printing Guidelines
This object is part of Multiboard, a FREE "all in one" organization system with 700+ parts, that combines pegboard holes, honeycomb snaps, Gridfinity like bins, threads, brakes, and much more.
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