8x8 Multiboard Corner Tile - x4 Multi-Material Stack
Stack Prints are parts that are printed on top of each other.
This stack is made of 4 "Corner" Tiles. Corner Tiles have no pegboard holes on the sides and are usually placed on one corner of your Multiboard. (Look at the second image).
Each Tile is an 8x8 (approximately 200x200 mm).
Learn more about Tiles at https://multiboard.io/knowledge-hub
Printing Guidelines
Multi-Material Stack Printing is an advanced printing method you can use if Ironing printing doesn't work for you, and you have a multi-material printer. Click here to watch a video tutorial about it.
Multi-Material printing is done with PLA and PETG.
Printer Settings:
- Make sure the downloaded files are .STL. The printing orientation is as provided in the file.
- Once the file is in the slicer, split it by objects. Change the Tiles to be PLA, and change the spacing objects to be PETG (or vice-versa).
- Change the plate temperature for the PETG to be the same as the plate temperature for the PLA.
- Set the flow ratio (aka extrusion multiplier) for the PETG to be between 1 and 1.3. You will have to test what flow ratio works best for you using this test file. For me 1.1 works best with a Bambu Lab.
- Set seam position to "random" for more strength (optional). Use 3 perimeter wall thickness, 0.2 mm layer height, 15% infill, and no supports. Apart from that, use your printer's default settings.
For more information about printing options and guidelines, click here.
This object is part of Multiboard, a FREE and ridiculously modular organization system with thousands of parts for creating the most adaptable workspace possible. Learn more and find ALL the parts at https://multiboard.io