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Many Models on the Way + Felicia Day Collab

Many Models on the Way + Felicia Day Collab

New Model

This little dragon is here to test out how small I can make articulated FDM models while keeping them strong enough to hold up to regular wear-and-tear.

Baby Amethyst Dragon.jpg

The picture you see above is of the Baby Amethyst Dragon at 50%. This is as small as I'm comfortable taking it for now, but I think I can get a bit smaller with some tweaks to the ball joint.


Felicia Day Collab

A few months back, after the success of Webmaster Fred, Felicia mentioned that she was interested in a Mimic toy. This was EXACTLY what I wanted to hear because I had been sitting on some incomplete articulated mimic designs for the past year and a half.

What I thought would be a quick few days of work ended up snowballing into a month and a half of designing, printing, breaking, re-designing, weeping, washing, rinsing, and repeating steps 1-7 over and over again until this little one magically appeared out of nowhere.


The whole design prints in place with no supports. All you have to do is fold it all up and click pieces into place to get it working. A tutorial video should be going up soon to make sure you're clicking the parts together in the right order.

I'm told I need to sleep occasionally, so.....

You'll be hearing from me very soon about more designs. I'm releasing a total of 6 models this month to make up for the slow June-July. I have a handful of models that need the final layer of polish and pictures taken before I can post them.

Seeya Soon!

~Tom (Mimetics3D)
