Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at
A friend requested a globe bank for the coins he brings back from his trips abroad. He suggested using the great 'Textured Earth' from Bid as a starting point.
I upscaled the globe to ~178mm and hollowed it out, then added the coin slot on top.
I cut out a section of Antartica to create the coin door, and to make it fit back in, I borrowed the screw threads from Arciello.
I modified lard canoe's globe stand to fit the larger globe and contoured it to fit the bottom (only fits one way, nice and snug).
And finally I created a hex key to be able to remove and add the coin door.
This should print fine, a test print is underway. If you print it before I post results, and find that the coin door is too tight, downsize it in your slicer by 2% and reprint the coin door.