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What to Expect in 2024

We’re one month in to 2024, and let me tell ya, it’s been a whirlwind! Many of you might not know that I have a full time job as a UX designer in the financial world. I tried juggling that career and this business for as long as I could, but to quote Ron Swanson, “Never half ass two things. Whole ass one thing.” So I’ve decided to finally take the leap and pursue my own business full time!

Next Friday will be my last day at my 9-5 job, and while I loved that job and it’s a little bittersweet, I couldn’t be more excited to pursue this passion of mine.

Plans for 2024 and How It Impacts You.

More consistent model releases

My plan from the beginning was to release four new models per month. I realize I haven’t been super consistent with this, and thank you all for being understanding! But guess what? I don’t really have any excuses now, do I? I’m in this full time baby! Feels good to say that. Anyways, you can expect a steady stream of new model releases and I'll be much more strict about releasing a minimum of four high quality models per month.


I am going to be rebranding Hendricks Design in the next few months. I’ll have a new name and logo that vibes with the aesthetic of my designs. Super stoked for this and can’t wait to share it with you!

Clearer terms/guidelines

I’ll be creating a document that more clearly outlines the general terms of your membership. Nothing crazy. Just adding a few things to the commercial license guidelines that I get asked about often. If you want to get a head start, here are the 3 main additions to the terms:

  • Originality in Photography/media: Your photos must be unique. My photos/videos are not available for use. The main reason for this is to help you stand out and not end up getting lost in what looks like duplicate listings. Original photos also give your customers a real idea of the product they'll actually be receiving.
  • Unique Product Descriptions: Your product descriptions must be unique for the same reasons stated above.
  • Designer Credit: Please credit Hendricks Design in your product descriptions. Post-rebrand, remember to update this credit to our new name. I'll provide ample time for this transition after announcing the rebrand.

That’s pretty much it for additional terms. Everything else in the original guidelines should stay the same. The full document with these terms will be shared soon.

Thank you!

Last but certainly not least, a HUGE thanks to all of you who played a part in allowing me to pursue this full time. I’m excited to get to work on new designs and dedicate my full attention to this.

Much love,

