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Hendricks Design is now Lofted Goods

Hendricks Design is now Lofted Goods

HUGE NEWS! Hendricks Design is now Lofted Goods. I started designing and making physical products in 2016 and thought maybe I could make a little money on the side to fund the hobby. I’ve always put a lot of thought into my products but didn’t put much thought into the name of the business. I’ve come this 🤏 close to changing it so many times but never thought of a name I truly loved until now! Lofted Goods just feels right.

Nothing is going away aside from the old branding. We have big plans for Lofted Goods so you can expect to see a lot more from us going forward. More products, more content, more engagement, more of everything really!

This rebrand has been in the works for a long time now so I’m super psyched to finally be sharing it. Let me know what you think of the new name!

Watch the rebrand announcement here
