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The Witness *New Release*

The Witness *New Release*

The Witness, also known as the Entity, or the Voice in the Darkness, is an immensely powerful Darkness-wielding being who commands the Black Fleet. Originating from the first known civilization uplifted by the Traveler, it is the product of an entire species having merged into one entity through the mastery of the Darkness; their minds bound together into a single gestalt consciousness. It has spent eons chasing the Traveler as part of its eternal pursuit to impose "salvation" upon all reality through the Final Shape, and along the way it has been responsible for the destruction of countless civilizations across the universe; either by its hand or through the actions of its Disciples and other servants. It is the overarching main antagonist of the Destiny Light and Darkness saga.

Hello Everyone. Now available The Witness.

Printing Tips: FDM printing. The model does need supports. For Resin It is pre supported and pre hollowed.

Thank you for your support.

Lantern Lore (Douglas)
