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BOUTIQUE + FLEXI Feather Egg, Fire Egg, & Cracked Dragon Egg EARLY ACCESS

BOUTIQUE + FLEXI Feather Egg, Fire Egg, & Cracked Dragon Egg EARLY ACCESS

Hey everyone!

Today's release is for ALL seller tiers-- three new egg variations! Y'all have been asking for more egg styles for AGES and I'm so sorry I'm only now getting to them. I definitely want to do more themes as well! To start off we have the fire-themed egg, the feather egg, and the cracked/hatching dragon egg! The hatching egg has cracks all throughout it so it can be super fun to try and peek through and guess what type of creatures are hidden inside!

ALL of my baby animals and dragons fit inside the eggs at 100% scale! You can usually fit 2 or more, depending on the creature!

Print recs:
2-3 walls
5-15% infill
No supports
Size up or down as desired

Filament is TTY3D Silk Gold, Amolen Dual red/black, and Amolen tri blue/red/yellow

I hope y'all like them!

Thanks so much for all your support <3

  • Kek
