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PCBs Are Here!

PCBs Are Here!

Well look what came in the post this week!

Since you asked, I had a limited run of my PCBs made for the MMM Stepper Driver Module.

This PCB is the one that I use in my clocks. They allow you to easily wire up a 12v power supply to a switch, an Arduino Nano and a stepper driver in order to drive a stepper motor. They also support the ability to add an RTC board for perfect timing (perfect for driving a clock). Instructions are in the MMM Stepper Driver Module.

Now the plans for this PCB are in the MMM Stepper Driver Module and you could just send those plans off to a service like PCB Way yourself but that would cost you about $25-$30 when you add in the shipping. If you'd prefer to save a little cash and you only need one of these then drop me a line and I'll hook you up with one for around $10 including shipping (assuming you don't live on the moon or something).

If enough folks are interested, then I would consider bringing down the price a bit but I need to make sure I at least have some chance of recouping my investment here.

If you're interested in having me send you one, then hit me up over email and we'll figure out how to get one to you.

Naturally this offer is only good while supplies last but if I manage to sell out then I can always order more.
