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2023 Recap and News

2023 Recap and News

Greetings friends and happy new year.

First of all I would like to apologize for being silent for a whole week, but I have been very sick. Severe bronchitis and fever is giving me a really hard time and I am working much slower than usual because I have little energy and it is hard to breathe. But don’t worry, I already have a good progress on Arthas and he will be released during the first week of the month.

Screenshot 2024-01-03 133654.pngArthas progress

2023 Recap

What a memorable year 2023 was. We started off the year releasing all fan art onto Printables for FREE, which was something I had been wanting to do and am so relieved I finally did. Since then we released more original concepts than any other year and reduced the amount of Fan art and you all embraced it. This is exactly the path I want to continue walking during 2024 and bring you even more quality art pieces.

Early October we attended ERRF and I met many of you for the first time which was an amazing experience that I would love to repeat.

Last month we relocated from Printables to Thangs and have been growing rapidly ever since. Last year was a year of challenges and big moves. We did move all our content on Thangs but I still kept Patreon in a sold out mode for the members that don’t wish to make the transition.

During 2023, I got to experiment with my art and find what really works with my style and what I enjoy making the most. I am so honored at how much support you all showed me during our big changes- I cannot tell you enough how much that fueled me through some really challenging changes in my career. I am looking forward to this year bringing even more awesome art, honing in on my skills as an artist and getting to spend more time with this awesome community. Thank you all for your kindness, it means everything to me.

