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Hello Thangs community!

Hello Thangs community!

Greetings everyone! I'm Amir, also known as FlexiTown in the world of 3D printing. It's truly an honor to be a part of this vibrant community here on Thangs!

I'm a passionate 3D artist specializing in crafting Flexi models, including a diverse range of articulated print-in-place designs. With a background in design and a deep love for innovation, I've dedicated myself to bringing joy and creativity to the world of 3D printing.

I pour my heart and soul into each and every design, striving to push the boundaries of what's possible in the realm of 3D printing. I'm excited to share my journey with all of you and to contribute to the growing community of makers and creators here on Thangs.

I invite you to follow me here on Thangs to stay updated on my latest designs and releases. Join me in exploring the endless possibilities of 3D printing, and consider supporting my creations by subscribing to my plan on Thangs.

Thank you for welcoming me into this incredible community, and I can't wait to share my latest creations and innovations with you all
