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Monday Update

Monday Update

Hello and exciting news this week. We have coming soon my favorite dragon design and it's one I've been working on a long time. Combining the komodo flex with the flexi fidget, the amount of engineering involved has been overwhelming. Complete with my brand new self designed flexi wings, flexible and print in place, I have finally solved the problem designers have with 3D printed wings and after a few more tests it's ready to be incorporated into this highly detailed design.

In other news I have been working hard on 2 other new designs during time between printing and designing the dragon, I want to bring something for everyone and of course many other designs currently in the planned phase so much to look forward too.

I hope to bring you more to print at the weekend along with another side project I have undertaken - electroplating 3D prints! I have just begun this side venture in my spare time (what little I have of it) and have been documenting results along side any resin printed models I have been working on. I really hope to expand here, share and bring amazing creations to everyone here )
