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Welcome to FD3D!

Welcome to FD3D!

It's always been one of my greatest joys to figure out how to be creative in new areas by diving into them head-first. This project is no exception. When Paul, the CEO of Thangs, approached me at the beginning of the year to propose collaborating to make my own line of 3D prints for the site, I was excited but nervous. I didn't have a 3D printer at the time, not because I didn't want one, but because I was intimidated. I'd always wanted to get into the hobby, but I'd never known where to start. I almost declined, but then I reminded myself that what I was feeling was the exact same feeling I'd had earlier in my career when I'd been thinking about making videos covering tabletop games, Magic the Gathering, D&D and more. They were all subjects I knew people would LOVE to immerse themselves in, but they (and I) didn't know where to start. Well, with the help of a lot of amazing people, I ended up making tons of web videos offering that entry point for a lot of different geeky subjects. And my life was immeasurably better for it. That's what I hope to do here on Thangs around 3D printing, as well.

This is the first real collaborative creative venture I've done since leaving my company Geek and Sundry. I had no idea how the process would go before starting. But working with Moonlight Minis, Kaizen3D Prints and Mimetics3D has been so enjoyable and creatively invigorating, I cannot wait for more of our creations to be released! And I can't wait to work with other established and up-and-coming 3D designers in the future.

I truly hope that some of these prints inspire you to get into the hobby of 3D printing or expand the kinds of things you make if you're already into it. If there's one thing I'd love people to take away from this experiment, it's that it's just so gratifying to PRINT things. :)

Thank you for showing faith in this project. Join my Discord to discuss all things 3D in the /fd3d-printing channel. If you become a subscriber you get a special role to help influence what gets designed up next. With your support, I hope that we can continue making things together for a long, long time. <3


