tracking pixel

Hal 9000

I finally received most of the electronic parts for this. I am still debating on whether to use a Raspberry Pi 3B or 4. Either will really do, but I want to be economical. I'm also considering alternatives such as Orange Pi or one of the other many SBC. Then I need to work out any kinks and make revisions, if needs be. It should be up in the coming weeks and will be working using Localized LLM AI. This one will be difficult to put together as it's new to me too and I am honestly both nervous and excited. There is a lot to consider when building something like this including training data. I figure using a copy of the script to "Space Odyssey 2001" and openly available free public domain texts should be a good start. My goal is to make something that has the ability to converse with you and perhaps more. I would also love to deep fake Hal's voice from the movie, so that the LLM can respond in character. As always, thanks for the support and likes, that helps me know I am moving in the right direction. Have a great and productive day!
