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First Post

Hi there! I'm Andrew; I'm a mechanical engineering professional, industrial designer, and additive manufacturing consultant, and this is the Thangs page for my manufacturing consulting company, Dykstra Designs.

This is a place where I'll be posting all sorts of files that I/we (I have some people that do freelance work with me) make as part of our work, pending client permission of course. Most, if not all, of these designs will be for sale through an affiliated Etsy store, the most popular of which are paywalled here.

You'll find that the majority of the designs available here will be jewelry or other personal and home accessories, but if you have any requests for specific items, please let me know as I am always looking for new ideas. In addition, if you have any ideas that you would like to bring to market please feel free to reach out here or through the company website:

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to hearing from you!

