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New File Alert! Chaos Space Marine Helmet - Warhammer

New File Alert! Chaos Space Marine Helmet - Warhammer

Good morning everyone!

If you know me, you know I am absolutely hyped for Space Marine 2 coming out this year. (BIOMASS IS BIOMASS, Tyranid Supremacy raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah)

In celebration of everything we've seen, this model is our take on the Chaos Space Marine helmet as seen in the trailer for Space Marine 2.

This model also features a loyalist base and face plate design as an alternative option without the gold accents.

The helmet is designed around a 24" diameter head and has been split into several parts for simple printing on mid sized printers.

Happy printing and we've got so much more coming soon!

As always, thank you for your support.

Dungeons & Starships
