Evan C

MX Blocker v5.stl

Remix Model
Delta Design
Delta Design
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MX Blocker v5.stl - Added these blockers to my RockOn v2 by Fingerpunch. Looks great. Needed to sand down the stems of the blocker a bit for a snug fit on the PCB - 3d model
Delta Design
Delta Design
Image 2 of 2
MX Blocker v5.stl - Added these blockers to my RockOn v2 by Fingerpunch. Looks great. Needed to sand down the stems of the blocker a bit for a snug fit on the PCB - 3d model
MX Blocker v5.stl 3d model
MX Blocker v5.stl - Added these blockers to my RockOn v2 by Fingerpunch. Looks great. Needed to sand down the stems of the blocker a bit for a snug fit on the PCB - 3d model

MX compatible switch blocker to fill a gap in a mechanical keyboard plate.


  • Standard 14x14mm (slightly oversized by 0.1mm to stay put)
  • 5mm from base to overhang, matching my kb plate thickness

3 Likes57 DownloadsMay 12, 2021

3 Likes57 DownloadsMay 12, 2021