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Maison Lumiere and Skipper07 House Collab

Maison Lumiere and Skipper07 House Collab

If you follow Maison Lumiere or Skipper07 on Instagram you have likely seen their huge collaborative house-building project! Designers from around the world are contributing designs to decorate each the eighteen rooms and it is tons of fun.

I was delighted to be invited to create a “Mad Scientist Lab” (prints and picture above by Maison Lumiere) and I invite you to follow the full project on Instagram.

The Mad Scientist Lab is in the running for the “Makers League Contest” this week (March 8-14, 2024) and I encourage you to go vote for it here.

All the components from the slime and glassware to the steampunk pipes and wiring are free to download from my Thangs page.

Maybe you’ll make your own mini 3D printed house?

Happy Printing,
