Three Dual Colour Pumpkins (Pumpkin 2)
This dual colour pumpkin is part of a set of three models designed to optimize optical clarity when using clear filaments for the face features. Stick an LED candle inside!
See here for video:
Download the set: Pumpkin 1: Pumpkin 2: Pumpkin 3:
The “Face” file contains the face features as well as a liner that covers the inside of the pumpkin. When printing with clear filament, this allows you to set the “Z Seam Alignment” to start printing each layer at the back of the pumpkin. This results in a clean layer on the face side. To further maximize optical clarity, print the “Face” file with no infill and only 1-2 walls.
Printing the “Face” file with an opaque filament such as black gives you a nice contrasting color for the inside of the pumpkin.
The Lid can be printed in single or dual colour, allowing you to make the stem a different colour from the pumpkin body.