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February Drops & New Poll!

February Drops & New Poll!

Hello everyone! It’s February so let’s take a look at what models I plan on doing this month. First and foremost, it looks like Wacky Jacky won last month’s member poll! So I’ll be modeling her up this month.

wackyjacky.pngAlso I’ll drop the link to the poll for next month here! I thought picking a mythical Pokémon would be fun! So click the link and choose between Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Victini or Meltan. And that will be modeled in March.

mythicalpokes.pngThen continuing from last month, the Mindflayer will be coming soon! I’m really looking forward to attempting to do this one justice. There are so many different versions of Mindflayers, so I have a lot of freedom to make something cool.

mindflayer.pngFinally, to round it out, Mardi Gras is this month, so I’ll be doing some Mardi Gras masks!

mardigras.pngI’m trying to under-promise and over-deliver on this post. Because I kind of play fast and loose with what I model, but I wanted to make sure to let you guys know what’s coming. And I also don’t want to lie, so I’ll just leave with a few ideas I’m kicking around. No promise on these but they’re things I’d like to do this month. More Palworld stuff would be fun, possibly some Final Fantasy 7 stuff, and maybe something related to Madame Web?

Let me know what you guys think in the comments!
