Modular Didgeridoo
🎵 This is the Modgeridoo (Modular-Didgeridoo) - an experimental 3D printable didgeridoo that lets you get creative with your sound.
🔊 To hear what it sounds like:
🔩 There are currently 2 mouthpieces, 4 body pieces, and 3 end pieces available - Just 3D print the parts you want then mix and match by screwing the pieces together. It's incredibly simple to assemble and customise your one-of-a-kind didgeridoo!
🩻 Each body piece has a different internal structure that resonates sound differently. Select 'X-Ray' mode in the preview window to view the internal structure or click here:
🧪 Please keep in mind this is an experimental instrument. This means the sound can be influenced by many factors including the material used, infill settings, the way you play, and your choice of modular parts. So, embrace the uncertainty and get ready to discover some new sounds!
📄 The internal structure of the body pieces were inspired by the Nanodidg: