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Balor's Inferno Hidden Depths

Balor's Inferno Hidden Depths

Deep within the heart of the ancient mountain, long-forgotten by the surface dwellers, a slumbering terror begins to stir. The mountain, known to the locals as Dreadspire, was once the site of a great battle between the forces of light and darkness. In the final moments of this epic clash, the mighty Balor, a demon of unparalleled power and fury, was imprisoned within the mountain's core by the combined efforts of the greatest heroes of that age.

For centuries, the Balor lay dormant, its infernal rage held in check by powerful enchantments. But now, as the bindings of old magic begin to weaken, the beast awakens. With a roar that shakes the foundations of the mountain, Balor emerges from his prison, his fiery eyes burning with vengeance. The air around him sizzles with heat, and molten lava drips from his colossal frame.

Yet, Balor does not awaken alone. From the depths of the mountain, his loyal minions, the Balor Spawns, crawl forth. These smaller yet equally fearsome creatures were once fragments of Balor’s own essence, torn from him and given form by the dark magics that imprisoned him. Twisted and malevolent, they are bound to their master’s will, eager to wreak havoc upon the world above.

As Balor and his Spawns claw their way towards the surface, a sense of dread spreads among the mountain folk. Whispers of the ancient battle and the demon king’s return circulate, and brave souls gather, preparing to face the inferno hidden in the depths of the mountain.

The awakening of Balor marks the beginning of a new era of darkness. Heroes must rise once again to confront this ancient evil, to prevent the world from being consumed by Balor’s infernal wrath and the devastating force of his hidden depths.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Long Sword balor.jpgmorning Star balor.jpgSpear balor.jpgInfernal Balor.jpg

Hey everyone,

I'm thrilled to share with you our upcoming miniature release on our Thangs Store, featuring:


  • - Infernal Balor: 85 mm base, approximately 120 mm height
  • - Balor's Spawn Spear: 50 mm base
  • - Balor's Spawn Long Sword: 50 mm base
  • - Balor's Spawn Morning Star: 50 mm base
  • Bonus Statue Drow available for Both Tiers ( Scalable)


The complete pack will be available on our store,,

This collection will launch on July 1st!

For this release, I aimed to bring grandeur and originality,with my interpretation of this creature with unique minions and crafting a compelling story that could kickstart a campaign.




Reflection as a Sculptor for the Month:

This month has flown by; the models were a true challenge and consumed much of my time. I'm also preparing for two upcoming Kickstarters, possibly launching in a few months, collaborating with three friends to breathe new life into Arcanum Workshop. They bring expertise in unique poses, creatures, and characters.


I sincerely thank everyone who subscribed this month. I know many of you have multiple subscriptions, but whether you choose us for one or all, you're enabling me to continue in this field. My greatest joy is creating these minis each month, offering designs that transport you or thrill you as painters.


Let's be real, I prefer a more human approach, not just as a business. I strive to be accessible to clients and fans, and I truly enjoy our discussions. It's important to listen and offer a different approach than just being in "business mode." I handle everything solo—sculpting, promotional renders, communication, client relations, concepts, and pre-supports. It's a lot, but unfortunately, I don't yet have the financial means to delegate tasks.

I'd like to offer more storytelling, world maps, and D&D-style creature pages, deepening our narrative. Quantity isn't my focus; it's about delivering something complete and rich in soul. I'm not aiming to become a big company that churns out countless minis—I find that approach senseless and detrimental to the industry. What matters most is transporting people to new worlds through coherent and immersive storytelling.

I won't sugarcoat it; sometimes, it's tough financially and mentally. This project is like watching my child grow, with its ups and downs. Industry and competition often challenge me, making it hard to stay afloat amidst the big fish in the miniature world. Yet, thanks to you, I've carved out a small place.

I still need your support, so if you can lend a hand, you're welcome. Thanks again !

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments; I'd love to chat with you.


See you soon for the release!
