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Welcome to Alison Haislip 3D!

Welcome to Alison Haislip 3D!

Cheers, my fellow printers! Who is ready to embrace the internet's favorite creature and drink some fermented grapes while we do so?? Got your goblets? Great...let's get to it --

3D printing was starting to make its way into the public forum just as I was finishing my tenure at G4 (oh the memories...). So I had heard of this wonderful new way to create, but really didn't know much about it. A few friends had dove into the world, and I picked up some stuff from them, but it wasn't until Thangs approached me about collaborating that I really put it at the forefront of my brain. And now...I GET IT. It brings me such joy to make a quick decision before I head out the door to print, let's say, a vase, and then come home AND I HAVE A VASE. (And now all my neighbors have vases too.)

I wanted to focus on prints of things in the worlds I love, and right now, that's my cat, Gandalf the White, and wine. So every month, we'll have a few fun-themed Gandalf models for you (brought to you by the super awesome ChelseyCreatesThings!) and lots of useful wine/bar paraphernalia. If you're into fluffy chaos machines and chardonnays, this is the place for you.

IT GETS EVEN BETTER! Starting soon, I'll have a special guest collaborator working with me EACH MONTH, to bring you even more rad themes from the stuff you love. So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss a thing! Or should I say....THANG...

Raising a glass to you,

Alison (and Gandalf)

