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Introductions and the history of the collapsing sword

Introductions and the history of the collapsing sword

I thought I would use this opportunity to introduce myself and the history of the collapsing sword. My name is John and I work as a Design Engineer for a custom machine builder/automation company.  I got into 3D printing after learning about it from a coworker.  When I was a noob, before asking him questions I would always start the conversation with, I have a “3D printing world” question. This is why when I posted my first design I decided to use 3D Printing World as my user name, the rest is history...

My first printer was the V1 Monoprice Mini. My motivation to get into 3D printing was to print some of the mechanical components I use on my machine design so I could better understand how they work.  Things like bearing, jack screws, mechanical actuators, ext… I also wanted to use it for practical prints and fun stuff as well for my two children. The first thing I designed to print was a small vase for my daughters bike that clipped onto her handlebars that she would put a flower in it for our bike rides.

The robot logo, affectionately called the “Mulbot” by my family was drawn by my son, daughter and me in Fusion 360.  The name is a play on words with our last name. We all had a part in its design. They actually controlled the mouse while I provided them direction. Its turned out to be our family crest.

The idea for the first collapsing sword, was actually my daughters. I had previously designed a collapsing basket and was thinking of other things I could make collapse. My wife suggested a collapsing cup which I did not see the point as it would not hold fluid but I made it anyways, for science…  My daughter was playing around with the cup because it made a good fidget when she said; “Dad you should make a lightsaber out of this”. 

My first collapsing weapon wasn’t a lightsaber but a sword.  I figured there were already lightsabers but I had never seen a sword collapse. I pulled the first ever collapsing sword off the printer just before leaving for MRRF 2019.  In fact we were a hour late leaving because we were waiting for the print to finish. Everyone was blown away by it! It was so much fun see everyone’s reaction the first time they saw it extend.  Due to the noise, everyone suggested a lightsaber so that came next.

I want to say thanks to everyone who has printed my designs or helped to support me throughout the years. This including Thangs, I would not be where I am today without their support and motivation. Their membership program has not only allowed me to  pay for my hobby but allowed me to finally generate some income.  You never know, with your continued support maybe one day I can be a full time print designer. A lot has changed in the industry through the years and I’m excited to see where it goes next.

Thanks again and I hope everyone has a great year!

AKA 3D Printing World
