3Dom Spinner Industrial
9 downloads · 7 months ago · Incredibly smooth, fast fidget spinners.
Pictures are printed in Ziro Tricolour Silk PLA (Aurora) wh
Incredibly smooth, fast fidget spinners. Pictures are printed in Ziro Tricolour Silk PLA (Aurora) which looks unreal when spinning.
The tolerances are such to create a nice, smooth and fast spin. If you find the fidgets to not be spinning freely, adjust your X-Y tolerance in your slicer (picture attached of BambuStudio/Orca Slicer) If you use Cura, I think its called Horizontal Compensation. I have found certain filaments have a higher flow rate and/or expansion, and a 0.1 compensation on the X-Y gives a little more clearance without affecting the function of the fidget
Designed in Shapr3D.