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August Round Up

August Round Up

Well, August is almost done and dusted, it's been a really busy month indeed. My sister, who I haven't seen for nearly four years visited from New Zealand, it was just wonderful to have her stay for a few days and show her around our new place in world. She loved the 3D art I've been making!

With such a busy time, I haven't posted much in the way of new art this month, however, I haven't been idle. I've been furiously designing modular picture frames that don't need to be glued together. I'm pleased to announce that final testing has now been completed and the first two sizes have already been uploaded. More sizes will be loaded over time. Check them out and let me know what you think.

Some highlights,

Geraldine the Giraffe


Derek the Dachshundderek the dachshund.jpg

Steel DragonSteel Dragon 2.jpg

Modular Picture Frames200x200.pngI'm really happy with the way these frames turned out. They're so easy to print and can be assembled in moments and even better, unlike glued frames, these can be disassembled and reused.

Well that about rounds it up. Thank you all for your continued support everyone!

Much love

Mark - 3DMGK
