Quantum Alignment Tower
14 downloads · 3 years ago · A 20x20mm tower for testing out the alignment of the loaded Quantum filament.
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On a direct d
A 20x20mm tower for testing out the alignment of the loaded Quantum filament.
On a direct drive you can fairly easily orient the filament by hand into the extruder, but I found on a bowden ... not so much.
The cylinder has 36 serrations, each representing 10° for getting a good indication how much you may need to rotate a model to get the desired result.
Model should only need 5% infill or so, making it a 30-40 minute print.
(.2mm layer height, 2 perimeters, and 3-5 top and bottom layers)
1 Likes14 DownloadsDecember 12, 2021
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