This print is used to gauge your success when printings a full size print-in-place collapsing swords or lightsaber. Each ring has a different amount of clearance. How many rings are free after printing will tell you what clearance your printer is capable of. The rings should easily fall out and not be attached with any stringing.
I design the blades with .5mm of clearance. If your printer can print that, or better yet .4mm you should have a very high rate of success. I was able to clear .4mm with my standard setting but got down to .25 with more some aggressive settings. It causes some under extrusion as the layer seams so I will probably will keep my standard profile.
Center Ring 1= 1mm Clearance Ring 2= .75mm Clearance Ring 3= .5 mm Clearance Ring 4=. 4 mm Clearance Outer Ring 5= .25 mm Clearance
After printing, if you need to tune your printer to get a better layer seam I would use the original. test print
Printed on the Mulcore Core-XY 3D
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