Convoy S2+ headlamp conversion #HalloWearables #HalloWearable
bywillbill642While working on a way better wearable idea (Augmented reality via single display and persistence of vision? More time consuming!), and running into some technical issues of the equipment (stupid 3D printers), I discovered my current basement residence is a bit too dark. I have plenty of Convoy flashlights to light up whatever I'm working on, but when you need both hands a flashlight in the mouth is a little tiring. To help out, I made this simple little mount. It's also been useful for night walks!
Bill of Materials:
- ~1 inch wide elastic band of sufficient length to wrap your head. Mine is about 500mm long. Amazon likely has something, local walmart likely has something like this: -Convoy S2 or S2+ flashlight or similar with 24mm tube diameter. I've also included the Solidworks model so you can adapt it to a different tube size.
Instructions: Thread the elastic band through the holes, then snap in your flashlight. Put it on your head, then pull the straps snug. If you used a full length of strap like above, then take it off and trim it down so there's not a few extra yards of excess.
Printing notes: -The STL is flipped upside down from optimal orientation. -Print without supports. Good bridging is required. -I used a high layer height (0.28mm), so long as your layer adhesion is still good it should be fine.