Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at
Created with the generous support of my Patrons! Their support and encouragement make it possible for me to make lots of models to share for games like this. I also make models for lots of different games every month and supporters will get early access, and input into future models.
This is a set of signs that are compatible with my Gaslands Gate V2. I thought it might be cool to have a sign for each of the event types, or race types available in the game. I had fun with the fonts on this one, and tried to fit it to each race type.
These fit in the same slots as start/finish etch on my gates, so you can swap them in and out depending on which race is being run.
If you'd like to purchase a print of this, you can check here are FunBoardGames on Etsy who is the main authorized vendor of these printed models.
If the models aren't up on his site just shoot him an email with a request, he is usually pretty quick to respond.