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Eric P
Eric P

Bearded Printer

Jonathan F
Built Over B
Collin T
Built Over B
Natalie C

Designer posts

Next Level Articulation

Next Level Articulation

You've seen the articulated models that STLFLIX generates. You've seen the Manta Ray, the Great White Shark, and several other sharks, fish, and sea life that have a mesh-like articulation to them. Seeing that kind of articulation intrigued me. And with some design and testing of my own, I've been

A New Dragon for your Collection

A New Dragon for your Collection

As you may know, I've recently taken a liking to creating new articulated dragons for the dragon enthusiasts out there. And recently, I had a colleague of mine request dragon eggs with dragons inside them. Of course, I didn't have any baby dragons designed that could fit in the eggs I had previousl

Unleash your Imagination!

Unleash your Imagination!

I truly enjoy challenging myself with new projects and designing things that people love. My wife loves daisies. So, I took it upon myself to design a "realistic" potted plant of daisies to give to my wife. The pot even doubles as a storage container! When I get an idea and can put that idea into a