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A New Dragon for your Collection

A New Dragon for your Collection

As you may know, I've recently taken a liking to creating new articulated dragons for the dragon enthusiasts out there.

And recently, I had a colleague of mine request dragon eggs with dragons inside them. Of course, I didn't have any baby dragons designed that could fit in the eggs I had previously designed. So, that's what inspired this design.

Now, I know what you're thinking... How could it possibly be comfortable for a dragon to lay an egg laden with crystals? And the answer is, it would have to be quite excruciating! Not comfortable at all!

Which is why I've determined the following lore concerning the crystal dragons in my universe and the eggs they lay:

At the time the egg is laid, it is smooth. The egg, being rich in minerals, serves as the ideal environment in which the baby dragon can start to develop. However, because of the nature of the mineral, and organism-rich composition of the egg, the various organisms attracted to said minerals start to build up and form crystals. Similar to the way a coral reef grows, so do the crystals on the egg and on the dragon. In fact, one could say the crystals and the dragon form a cohesive relationship with one another and help each other out.

I appreciate all the feedback I get from you all and look forward to creating new designs that you'll love.

Don't be afraid to reach out with suggestions! I'm happy to hear what you have to contribute!

As always, thank you all for your support and enjoy my most recent addition to my designs, the baby crystal dragon.

Happy printing!
