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Yasashii K
Yasashii K

Yasashii Kyojin Studio

Matt P

Designer posts

Townsfolk Round 1 Released!

Townsfolk Round 1 Released!

It's getting kinda close to the end of the month so I thought I better prep the designs that were ready and get them into the collection instead of waiting until the next batch is done. I think this completes the core set! I'll chuck a poll out in the next day or so to see what you all would like t

Rockseeker Brothers Released!

Rockseeker Brothers Released!

The 3 Rockseeker Brothers are ready to go. I wasn't sure if you ever came across Tharden (the fighter) while he was alive so he got an additional pose to help with story telling.

We're Back! Green Dragon Released!

We're Back! Green Dragon Released!

I'm happy to say I'm back in the swing of things and we now have another epic dragon available! I really like how this came out, especially the base and how much the overall look contrasts to the red design. I've printed the 32mm version already which came out beautifully and currently have the 54m

Monthly Bonus - Ochre Jelly

Monthly Bonus - Ochre Jelly

I mentioned a few weeks back these had been marked off the list and would be coming soon so I'm just dropping these slimy bois off for you all to make use of!

Giant Spiders Released!

Giant Spiders Released!

Plenty of spooder options to creep people out with this batch and we even got some nasty looking egg sacks to go with them! There's just a couple of general NPC's to knock off before hitting the dragon. A commoner, evil mage and the rockseeker brothers. I'll need to do a bit of background research

Stirge Released!

Stirge Released!

A couple of general flight poses and a mini swarm to make it feel a bit more hectic. There are no bases or basing holes added because of their tiny size and how much that would impact the mini so you will need to be a bit creative when it comes to basing. I'm going to tackle the giant spider next,

Wolf Pack!

Wolf Pack!

Wolf pack sorted and crossed off the list!  It was mentioned that wolves are often used as familiars and get some armour so I'll probably make an alternate version of the calm pose wearing the extra gear.

Orcs Released!

Orcs Released!

ORCS!  Finally right?! I know some of you have been waiting a long time for these to show up but the time has come, feels good to cross something off that todo list.

Matt P
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