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New filament from old prototypes!

New filament from old prototypes!

Last week I gathered the first batch of old prototypes to send them to the recycling fabrik . The will turn them into new filament! - i had some fun going through all the weirdness and some stupid ideas! this barely touches the surface of what is still in storage - it will be slightly nostalgic once I get to the really old stuff.

Here are some pictures for you to scroll through - most designs need like 2-5 prototypes to get them right. It always depends on wether it is a new concept or something of a existing series. With the mushroom shelfes i know what I am doing from the technical side of thing. The holder is always from the same source file - so not much that can go wrong there. Some more complex designs sometimes take up to 20 prototypes to get them right.

Sometimes I get stuck like with the espresso cup - and will try for months and months and nothing works. Then it is smart to let the project settle for a while and restart with a fresh thought. That is also the reason why sometimes I talk about starting a design and it will be released like 5 months later - that's because I am not happy with the result and need to wait for a better idea. So if you see me talking about a design and nothing seems to happen for months and you think I forgot - I did not. It is either somewhere in my list or wip.

