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Jacob P

Low Poly Eevee Planter

Remix Model
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Low Poly Eevee Planter 3d model
Low Poly Eevee Planter 3d model
Low Poly Eevee Planter 3d model
16 Likes51 DownloadsMay 19, 2023

**Low Poly Eevee Planters **

I've only printed this model in FDM so far. No supports needed. They are currently at the MAX scale that I could fit on an Ender 5 Pro (220x220 build plate), but you can scale up or down as you please. I've printed as small as 50% and they looked fine to hold a small succulent. Any smaller and you might not fit anything in it!

Here Are the Settings I Used to Print: Nozzle: I printed with 0.6 mm with no issues. Infill/Perimeters: I personally use 10% infill with 2 perimeters and have no issues. Supports: None

Post-Processing/Assembly: None needed, but I personally spray them with a UV protective coat after printing so they retain their color longer!

16 Likes51 DownloadsMay 19, 2023

16 Likes51 DownloadsMay 19, 2023