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New “Bolt-Lock” Mounts, Threads & More - The Foundational Update

New “Bolt-Lock” Mounts, Threads & More - The Foundational Update

Hey Makers 👋, It took us a little longer than expected, but almost ALL of the Multiboard parts have been updated - around 800 in total!

(And don’t worry, nothing is compatibility breaking)

This Foundational Update was all about upgrading and solidifying the current Multiboard system…

And in my new video, I cover the most important changes like:

- The new “Bolt-Lock Mounts”

- The redesign of the Mid Threads

- Some tweaks to the Multigrid Bins

- And more…

Click here to watch the video 👉

If you prefer in-depth documentation, rather than a summary, check out the latest change log:

Keep Making!
