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Jonathan K

Multiboard Tile Generator

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Remix Model
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Multiboard Tile Generator 3d model
Multiboard Tile Generator 3d model
Multiboard Tile Generator 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
103 Likes1.3K DownloadsDecember 15, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

The Multiboard Tile Generator is a Blender tool that allows you to instantly:

  • Create tiles of any size.
  • Create stack prints of any amount.
  • Create cutouts in your tiles.
  • Create tiles with a different amounts of “outside pegboard holes”

Here’s a video showing you how to use it:

In the time being be sure you are using at least Blender version 4.0.1 and above.

This object is part of Multiboard, a FREE "all in one" organization system with 700+ parts, that combines pegboard holes, honeycomb snaps, Gridfinity like bins, threads, brakes, and much more.

Explore and build the coolest, most adaptable workshop at

103 Likes1.3K DownloadsDecember 15, 2023

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
103 Likes1.3K DownloadsDecember 15, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.