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Chuck H

Filament Friday 0.6 Nozzle Extra Fast Profile with Prop Block File

Remix Model
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Filament Friday 0.6 Nozzle Extra Fast Profile  with Prop Block File 3d model
Filament Friday 0.6 Nozzle Extra Fast Profile  with Prop Block File 3d model
Filament Friday 0.6 Nozzle Extra Fast Profile  with Prop Block File 3d model
115 Likes10K DownloadsSeptember 2, 2022

This the prop block I showed on Filament Friday which uses my new 0.6 nozzle size ExtraFast Profile (0.44 layer height) for Cura version 5.1.

Instructions: Here is a video showing how to load my profiles:

Download the .3mf and open it as a project in Cura V5.1. Select "Create New" for the Printer Settings so it doesn't override your existing Machine Profile (you can delete this later). Select "Create New" for the Profile Setting to get the new profile. The model is the same one shown in the Filament Friday video. Slice the print and run it on your printer.

Note: If you don't have a Creality machine, use the included machine profile and adjust it to match your printer dimensions and rename it. This will give you access to all my future profiles.


115 Likes10K DownloadsSeptember 2, 2022

115 Likes10K DownloadsSeptember 2, 2022