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Angry Monday
Angry Monday

Angry Monday

3D Character and creature artist.

Welcome to the stylized, whimsical world of Angry Monday. Keep your hands in the vehicle at all times and enjoy your stay. If you print any of my creations, please tag me on the socials! I would love to see it!! Instagram X


Select a membership plan

/ month

The Annoyed tier is your first step into the world of Angry Monday.

Every month you will be allotted two premium downloads to print for personal use only!

Consider upgrading to the Enraged plan to sell unlimited prints that you produce for the lifetime of your monthly subscription!

Private Discord access is also included where you can make suggestions, see sneak peeks, and vote on future projects.

/ month

The Hostile tier is yet another step into the world of Angry Monday.

Every month you will be allotted three premium downloads to print for personal use only!

Consider upgrading to the Enraged plan to sell unlimited prints that you produce for the lifetime of your monthly subscription!

Private Discord access is also included where you can make suggestions, see sneak peeks, and vote on future projects.

/ month

The Enraged tier is your commercial step into the world of Angry Monday.

Gain entry to Angry Monday's exclusive premium downloads, allowing you to print and market them at your discretion throughout the duration of your premium membership!

Also, you can enjoy exclusive access to our private Discord community, where you can share suggestions, preview upcoming releases, and participate in voting for future projects.

profile hero image
Angry M
Angry M

Angry Monday

3D Printing World
Ryan M
Mimetics 3
Chelsey K
Built Over B
Fotis M

Designer posts

The Easter Ducky Has Arrived!

The Easter Ducky Has Arrived!

Waddling its way into the holiday, this Duck is all done up in disguise to take over the traditional bunny duties. Be sure to go grab yours today and please leave a like while you are at it!

Updated Rocker Smurf File

Updated Rocker Smurf File

A new update to the Rocker Smurf! It is now keyed for easier painting and better suited for smaller printers. Go grab the updated files now!



I am a little late on this, but I have been a bit overwhelmed with how well my work was received. But last weekend I hit 100 followers on here. Wow! When I first started this venture back in November, I did not expect this to go anywhere. I figured I would throw up some stuff and let it sit here li