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Do you often have no idea what to do with your 3D printer? Get ready for hours of fun. Let your energy provider know that your printer is now working. We will post at least 3-10 designs per month. Further information under [About]

Sustainability? We are melters because 3D printing is just awesome. Nevertheless, as a company we would like to make our contribution. 10% of year-end profits are used to support organizations that plant trees.

What happens next? Simply subscribe and get started . Have fun!

All our products are thoroughly tested for FDM. So you can print your desired file immediately. If you have any setting problems, please feel free to contact us. We'll help you where we can

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COMMERCIAL LICENSE With active subscription you have a commercial license to legally sell 3D prints created from the designs available on the ALIMA UNIQUE Designs catalog. Active subscribers are licensed to sell these prints on any platform of their choice. The digital files are NOT for resale or distribution. Commercial license is only given to active subscribers. If you choose to cancel your Patreon subscription, your commercial license will end at the time your Patreon access expires.

Alima Unique Designs

Wild reindeer in a forest scene

Alima Unique Designs
Remix Model
Wild reindeer in a forest scene 3d model
Wild reindeer in a forest scene 3d model
Wild reindeer in a forest scene 3d model
Wild reindeer in a forest scene 3d model
Wild reindeer in a forest scene 3d model
5 Likes29 DownloadsJanuary 14, 2024

3D printing is impressive. What you can do with it these days is incredible. We always have these fantasy scenes in our heads. There is nothing more beautiful than a picture or a motif. A scene can make us happy just by evoking memories in us.

This is how this design came about. We find it extremely calming when we can think about nature. Of course, nature is very complex and not easy to design. Here we chose a simple motif in the forest with a few reindeer and trees. If someone is talented then it will certainly look outstanding when the design is painted


We built a small cave at the very bottom of the design. You can use any light source here. We do not recommend using sources that generate intense heat.

Print parameters. We recommend: first layer height 0.16mm layer height 0.16 mm z Seam: behind Wall lines: 3 Fill density: 8% Support: No, we printed everything without support With smaller scales, it may be that the legs of the reindeer can break due to the vibrations from the printer. If you are scaling this design, you may want to print a little slower.

For the professionals among you, you can of course use your settings or adjust our recommended ones. We used these settings and tested them several times. Everything went smoothly.

If you have problems with the settings or need support, let me know in the comments. I will help you as best I can!

5 Likes29 DownloadsJanuary 14, 2024

5 Likes29 DownloadsJanuary 14, 2024