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Alima Unique Designs

Reindeer family in the forest

Alima Unique Designs
Remix Model
Reindeer family in the forest 3d model
Reindeer family in the forest 3d model
Reindeer family in the forest 3d model
Reindeer family in the forest 3d model
Reindeer family in the forest 3d model
Reindeer family in the forest 3d model
10 Likes30 DownloadsJanuary 14, 2024

What could be nicer than your own fantasy in a beautiful environment? With this record we have created a small atmosphere in a unique forest. The small details and the round environment only lead us to create an even greater atmosphere. Would you be up for something like that?

You are welcome to scale it, but you have to be careful when scaling smaller. If you use a fast printer, the reindeer's legs may break due to the vibration. A scaling of 10 - 20% shouldn't be a problem. Otherwise just print a little slower.


We recommend a simple, strong light source so that you can exploit its full potential. Cautious. Since it is completely closed, I would not recommend any light sources that generate strong heat

Print parameters. We recommend:

first layer height 0.16mm layer height 0.16 mm Wall lines: 3 Fill density: at least 10% Fill Pattern: Archimedean Chords (Circle Fill) Support: No support needed. We printed everything without a single support If I want even more details, you can also print at 0.12. Our image is at 0.16

For the professionals among you, you can of course use your settings or adjust our recommended ones. We used these settings and tested them several times. Everything went smoothly. You can also try with less infill so that the light penetrates more.

If someone wants to do the work, there would be x options to paint it individually to make it look even better If you have problems with the settings or need support, let me know in the comments. I will help you as best I can!

10 Likes30 DownloadsJanuary 14, 2024

10 Likes30 DownloadsJanuary 14, 2024