Articulated league
Highest scoring models in the articulated categoryLast week’s results, refer to Designer Showcase this week
Previous week
Rank | Rank | Top model | Username | Downloads | Likes | Collections | Makes | Boost | Total points |
10 Prize | 10 | 315 points | 26 points | 00 points | 00 points | 2x | 42 | ||
9 Prize | 9 | 945 points | 39 points | 14 points | 00 points | 1.5x | 87 | ||
6 Prize | 6 | 27135 points | 824 points | 312 points | 00 points | 2x | 342 | ||
8 Prize | 8 | 30150 points | 824 points | 312 points | 00 points | 1.5x | 280 | ||
7 Prize | 7 | 34170 points | 1030 points | 520 points | 00 points | 1.5x | 331 | ||
5 Prize | 5 | 49245 points | 1133 points | 520 points | 00 points | 1.5x | 448 | ||
4 $50 | 4 | 83415 points | 1957 points | 1352 points | 00 points | 1.5x | 788 | ||
$75 | 3 | 160800 points | 49147 points | 2184 points | 00 points | 1x | 1,031 | ||
$300 | 1 | 3381,690 points | 46138 points | 26104 points | 00 points | 1x | 1,932 | ||
$100 | 2 | 188940 points | 34102 points | 26104 points | 110 points | 1.5x | 1,736 |