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Jacob P
Remix Model
Image 1 of 4
Gir 3d model
Gir 3d model
Gir 3d model
Gir 3d model
Gir 3d model
14 Likes41 DownloadsMay 19, 2023

These models were designed specifically for Resin 3D printing and may not be suitable for FDM printing. If there is enough interest I can consider making FDM versions!

The arms and legs are definitely very small, and you’re going to want to make sure to hollow/add a hole in the heads! Also, make sure to get a little support for Zim's antennae!

I have printed them myself and they worked, although I will admit their limbs can be fragile so please let me know what you think and I can consider making adjustments!

14 Likes41 DownloadsMay 19, 2023

14 Likes41 DownloadsMay 19, 2023