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Terra de Verdant

The Luxar Planter Pot with Drainage Tray & Stand Included: Modern and Unique Home Decor for Plants a

Terra de Verdant
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Terra de Verdant
Terra de Verdant
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The Luxar Planter Pot with Drainage Tray & Stand Included: Modern and Unique Home Decor for Plants a 3d model
The Luxar Planter Pot with Drainage Tray & Stand Included: Modern and Unique Home Decor for Plants a 3d model
The Luxar Planter Pot with Drainage Tray & Stand Included: Modern and Unique Home Decor for Plants a 3d model
The Luxar Planter Pot with Drainage Tray & Stand Included: Modern and Unique Home Decor for Plants a 3d model
The Luxar Planter Pot with Drainage Tray & Stand Included: Modern and Unique Home Decor for Plants a 3d model
The Luxar Planter Pot with Drainage Tray & Stand Included: Modern and Unique Home Decor for Plants a 3d model
The Luxar Planter Pot with Drainage Tray & Stand Included: Modern and Unique Home Decor for Plants a 3d model
The Luxar Planter Pot with Drainage Tray & Stand Included: Modern and Unique Home Decor for Plants a 3d model
The Luxar Planter Pot with Drainage Tray & Stand Included: Modern and Unique Home Decor for Plants a 3d model
The Luxar Planter Pot with Drainage Tray & Stand Included: Modern and Unique Home Decor for Plants a 3d model
The Luxar Planter Pot with Drainage Tray & Stand Included: Modern and Unique Home Decor for Plants a 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
321 Likes273 DownloadsMay 18, 2024
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

This was my first best seller on Etsy back in 2022! I've seen a few copycats try to replicate it so I figured it about time I released this model to the world.

Welcome to Terra de Verdant: Your Gateway to 3D Printing Success Join Terra De Verdant for just $9 and dive into our extensive STL collection, which powered our personal Etsy shop to $100,000 in revenue. With this membership, you gain access to hundreds of rich STL designs and the commercial rights to create and sell physical prints of these designs. Affordable and straightforward, it's an ideal boost for your 3D printing business. Sign up now to start making and selling your own successful prints! Become a member on Thangs

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Terra de Verdant© STL files are strictly for personal use. Unauthorized resale of these digital files is illegal and subject to legal action. To sell physical prints of these designs, you must obtain a commercial license mentioned above. Respecting this copyright policy not only protects intellectual property but also supports the creators and the integrity of the 3D printing community.

8-15% infill based on preference. 7 top layers, if top surface of the bottom oval looks uneven add more top layers. 2-3 outer walls. No supports. Raft or brim if you have adhesion issues.

Scale Settings: PLANTER & TRAY 3" OPENING: SCALE 105.83% 3.5" OPENING: SCALE 123.47% 4" OPENING: SCALE 141.11% 4.5" OPENING: SCALE 158.75% 5" OPENING: SCALE 176.39% 6" OPENING: SCALE 211.67% 7" OPENING: SCALE 246.94% 8" OPENING: SCALE 282.22%

STAND 3" STAND: SCALE 108% 3.5" STAND: SCALE 126% 4" STAND: SCALE 144% 4.5" STAND: 161% 5" STAND: 179% 6" STAND: 214% 7" STAND: 249% 8" STAND: 285%

Please make sure to scale the stand & tray.

321 Likes273 DownloadsMay 18, 2024

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
321 Likes273 DownloadsMay 18, 2024
This model is restricted by licensing terms.